Stress coping strategies for parents with children dealing with ADHD and ASD

Raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) causes a strong impact on family dynamics. When this disorder presents with another comorbid, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the repercussions on the psychological well-being of parents can be considerably increased. Knowing what styles and strategies of coping techniques are used more frequently could contribute to design interventions with families, which have had a positive result in the manifestation of autistic or ADHD symptomatology.

There are styles and strategies for coping with stress in parents with children with Autism and ADHD. One of them is avoidance, which is not usually the most effective for handling stressful situations; seem to be the ones adopted by the parents of children in the ASD+ADHD group (to a greater extent than the parents of the other groups). What is recommended is focused intervention in more effective and “protective” coping strategies against stress. Published by Red día.

Coping Techniques Designed for Parents by the RI Wellness Foundation

Read the following stress coping strategies:

  • Practice physical exercise.

  • Proper diet.

  • Desensitization about negative thoughts.

  • Physical relaxation techniques.

  • Breathing control techniques.

  • Mental relaxation and meditation techniques.

  • Search for a support group.                                                               

  • Delegate child responsibilities with family members.

  • Search for information on ASD and ADHD.

  • Discuss your child's diagnosis.


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Estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés en padres con niños con TDAH YTEA