Which people may have a higher risk of suicide?

  • Those who have had a previous suicide attempt.

  • Those who have a history of depression or another mental disorder.

  • Those who abuse drugs or alcohol.

  • Those who have a family history of suicide or violence.

  • Those who suffer from a physical illness or have hopelessness.

  • Those with a history of sexual abuse.

  • Those with impulsive or aggressive tendencies.

If you know people who are in this situation do not hesitate to communicate with us.

RI Wellness Foundation can offer preventative help or you can call the emergency sites at the following numbers:

911 emergency

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline RI

Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish


Signs that help identify the risk of a suicide in a person


¿Qué personas podrían tener un mayor riesgo de suicidio?