Do you know someone who suffers from suicidal thoughts?

The following guidelines will help you offer them support:

1. Lead them to think that there are other solutions than suicide.

2. Have them keep a journal, where they can write down the things that are important to that person and their feelings. You can get them to read it when suicidal thoughts come up.

3. Take them to seek help as soon as possible (friend, family member, doctor, or 911 hotline)

4. Get them to talk about their suicidal thoughts.

5. Try to get them to make the decision to postpone any decision about of suicide.

6. Keep accompanying them, until the thoughts about suicide decrease.

7. Remind them that crises are transitory, but death is not..

8. Help them think about important things or people.

9. Advise them to avoid drugs and alcohol when they are down.

If you know people who are in this situation do not hesitate to communicate with us.

RI Wellness Foundation can offer preventative help or you can call the emergency sites at the following numbers:

911 emergency

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline RI

Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish


¿Qué personas podrían tener un mayor riesgo de suicidio?


¿Conoces a alguien que padece de pensamientos suicidas?